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Popular books for Compensation & Benefit Taxes

Tip: Hover book cover or title to view price and reviews.

Taxation of Compensation and Benefits, 2008

Taxation of Compensation and Benefits, 2008

Paperback: 1,000 pages

Publisher: CCH, Inc.; 2008 edition (May 5, 2008)

The Compensation Handbook

The Compensation Handbook

Hardcover: 656 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 5 edition (May 19, 2008)

Incentive Compensation and Employee Ownership

Incentive Compensation and Employee Ownership

Perfect Paperback: 230 pages

Publisher: National Center for Employee Ownership; 6 edition (November 15, 2006)




Kindle: Amazon's Wireless Reading Device a revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.


Online Course

Learn to Prepare Tax Returns - Learn to Prepare Tax Returns is a class focusing on the study of tax laws, procedures and forms; individual tax, business tax, self-employment tax, pension and retirement tax, tax computations using tax software and e-filing requirements and process. Study guides and shortcuts are available. Students will learn basic tax preparation, from beginning to calculation on tax software and become proficient in calculating individual and business tax returns on a calculating tax return that is ready for mailing or e-filing.

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