Popular books for Not for
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Zondervan 2009 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide: For 2008 Returns
224 pages
Zondervan; Revised edition (December 1, 2008) |

Private Foundations: Tax Law and Compliance
768 pages Publisher:
Wiley; 3 edition (October 6, 2008) |

Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt
Organizations, 2008 Cumulative Supplement: Rules,
Checklists, Procedures
Paperback: 1,130
pages Publisher:
Wiley; 3 edition (April 25, 2008) |

The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations
Paperback: 312
pages Publisher:
Wiley; 4 edition (April 25, 2008) |

The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations, 2008 Supplement
Paperback: 174
pages Publisher:
Wiley; 9 edition (April 18, 2008) |
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Online Course
Learn to Prepare Tax Returns - Learn to Prepare Tax
Returns is a class focusing on the study of tax laws, procedures and forms;
individual tax, business tax, self-employment tax, pension and retirement tax,
tax computations using tax software and e-filing requirements and process. Study
guides and shortcuts are available. Students will learn basic tax preparation,
from beginning to calculation on tax software and become proficient in
calculating individual and business tax returns on a calculating tax return that
is ready for mailing or e-filing.